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© 2024 College Board

Preparing Pennsylvania Students for Success

The SAT Suite is a powerful tool for Pennsylvania educators and students, providing performance insights and connecting students to scholarship opportunities and college and career resources.

Interested in AP?

Explore the many benefits Advanced Placement® courses and exams provide to educators and students. 

A Closer Look at
Career Insights

To spark students’ interest in planning for their future, students who take any of the tests in the SAT Suite receive a snapshot of Career Insights with their score information. The snapshot shows six growing careers in New York that require skills connected to their math, reading, and writing score

College Board Proudly Supports:

Benefits for PA Students

Whether your students are thinking about attending a two- or four-year college, a job-training program, or aren’t sure what they want to do after high school, they’ll find the PSAT™ 8/9, PSAT™ 10, PSAT/NMSQT®, and SAT® are important tools they can leverage to help plan their next step.

Career Insights
Students who take any of the tests in the SAT Suite receive a snapshot of 
Career Insights that shows six growing careers in Pennsylvania that require skills connected to their Math and Reading and Writing scores.

Access to Colleges and Scholarships
Give your students the chance to access over $300 million in scholarship opportunities. In the BigFuture School mobile app, students can opt in to Connections™ to hear from nonprofit colleges and scholarship providers that are interested in students like them—without sharing any personal information.

High school student in the hall looking confident on SAT School Day
Explore the SAT Suite

Upcoming Virtual Event:
Benefits of Administering the SAT Suite in PA

March 10, 2025 9-10 a.m. ET 

Register by March 6th

Join our upcoming webinar to discover how the SAT Suite of Assessments, including the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9, can transform your school's academic program. Learn how these assessments enhance college readiness, provide valuable data, offer scholarship opportunities, support personalized learning, and meet graduation requirements. Gain practical tips and strategies to maximize benefits for your students and school community. Don't miss this chance to elevate your school's academic success! 

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS)

Connecting the SAT Suite to Classroom Instruction

Watch this on-demand recording for a review of the SAT Suite of Assessments and how it connects to classroom instruction. Learn about the free reporting and instructional tools that all schools have access to when they administer the SAT Suite.

View Webinar

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS)

Career Connections to the SAT Suite

Learn how College Board is expanding career resources related to the SAT Suite to help reach a broader audience of students. Our BigFuture® tools are intended to help students begin exploring life after high school.

View Webinar

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS)

On-Demand Webinars

Fulfill Graduation Requirements
Act 158 allows the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT to serve as an alternative way to meet Pennsylvania high school graduation requirements.

Have Questions?

Learn more about bringing the SAT Suite of Assessments to your Pennsylvania students.

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Why Offer 
SAT School Day

Support equity and expand access for all students by offering SAT School Day. 

Explore Info

Helpful Resources

How is the SAT Different Than the ACT?

Understand the important differences between
the two tests.

Compare Tests

SAT Suite Score Reports Deliver Actionable Data

Use score data to inform instruction and support
your students. 

Learn How

A Powerful Tool for Educators

The SAT Suite provides a standardized measure across assessments and delivers meaningful insights to inform curricular planning, classroom instruction, and targeted student support.  

In addition, the SAT Suite can help you build your AP® Program with AP Potential™.

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“Since we started to analyze the data related to the SAT Suite of Assessments, we increased the number of our graduates attending college by fifteen percentage points and went from zero to five students participating in the National Merit® Scholarship Program. The SAT Suite is clearly having a positive impact.”
Dr. Mark Smithberger, High School Principal