Move one step closer to getting in to your dream school.

Hear how free Official Digital SAT Prep with Khan Academy helped Noble raise his SAT score, stand out, and get into his dream (test-optional) college.

The Ultimate Advantage:
Unlock your SAT® study plan 

“What I liked most about Official SAT Practice was how it was linked to my PSAT results as well as previous SAT results so I could focus on my exact trouble areas in the exam.”

Zully, Lyndhurst, NJ
Improved her score by 90 points

Go at your own pace

Focus on just the skills you need to improve with Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy.

What Other Students Are Saying

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Increase your score

Most students increase their scores when they retake the test.
“It was simple to use and kept track of progress. Official SAT Practice was especially helpful with pacing myself in grammar and reading sections where I struggled the most as it allowed me to find a comfortable speed.

Maria, Danville, PA
Improved her score by 170 points

Stand out to colleges

Strengthen your application and show off the skills and knowledge colleges care about most. 

Register to retake an upcoming SAT and begin to practice and prepare.