Resources to Help You Get Started

Digital SAT Suite In-School Educator Experience 

Learn more about digital, 
prepare for test day, and find helpful resources.  

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School and District
Resource Center

Explore resources to help communicate with staff, students, and parents about the digital SAT Suite.

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SAT Suite Resources
for Counselors

Explore these counselor resources to advise your students about the SAT Suite.

Take a Look


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum, enim vel semper iaculis, risus nulla bibendum est, hendrerit lacinia metus libero at urna. Donec at urna neque. Fusce sollicitudin ipsum nec ultrices venenatis. Ut rhoncus metus condimentum, dapibus nibh 

The Value of
the SAT Suite 

The SAT Suite of Assessments, which includes the PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT, and SAT, is a valuable resource for both students and educators.

Benefits of the Digital Format

Shorter Test Experience. The digital tests take about two hours instead of three.

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Top aligned to icon. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum, enim vel semper iaculis, 

The SAT Suite is Now Digital

Explore Details

Goodbye paper and pencil, hello digital! As of spring 2024, the SAT Suite is fully digital. 

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What's the Digital Test Experience Like? 

Watch this short video to see what your students can expect with the new digital format.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum, enim vel semper iaculis, risus nulla bibendum est, hendrerit lacinia metus libero at urna. Donec at urna neque. Fusce sollicitudin ipsum nec ultrices venenatis. Ut rhoncus metus condimentum, dapibus nibh eu, ultricies sapien. Duis bibendum nisl libero, non fringilla orci tincidunt vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 

Valuable Insights You Expect, Enhancements You've Asked For

The SAT Suite's new digital format means shorter testing time, faster scores, and expanded resources for career and college planning for students.  

The change is good news for educators too. Shorter tests mean shorter test days, and no more packing, sorting, or shipping test materials. And, going digital means much more flexibility for where and when the test can be administered.


Section header Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum, enim vel semper iaculis, risus nulla bibendum est, hendrerit lacinia metus libero at urna. Donec at urna neque. Fusce sollicitudin ipsum nec ultrices venenatis. Ut rhoncus metus condimentum, dapibus nibh eu, ultricies sapien. Duis bibendum nisl libero, non fringilla orci tincidunt vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum, enim vel semper iaculis, risus nulla bibendum est, hendrerit lacinia metus libero at urna. Donec at urna neque. Fusce sollicitudin ipsum nec ultrices venenatis. Ut rhoncus metus condimentum, dapibus nibh eu, ultricies sapien. Duis bibendum nisl libero, non fringilla orci tincidunt vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas

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Valuable Insights You Expect, Enhancements You've Asked For 

The SAT Suite's new digital format means shorter testing time, faster scores, and expanded resources for career and college planning for students.  

The change is good news for educators too. Shorter tests mean shorter test days, and no more packing, sorting, or shipping test materials. And, going digital means much more flexibility for where and when the test can be administered.

Learn More
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Order Now for Fall Testing

Place orders now for fall administrations of the digital PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 8/9.


What Educators Had to Say About the Shift to Digital

"From test coordination to test proctoring, our staff thought the digital test was much easier to administer than the paper and pencil version. The Bluebook application, with its embedded instructions, helped us stay organized and made test preparation and administration very easy!"

-Kelly Simmons, School Counselor 

"After years of spending hours sorting paper tests, the staff truly appreciated the time-saving aspect of the digital test. Both coordination and proctoring proved to be much more efficient this year."

-Heather Tremblay, Curriculum & Student Support Coordinator 

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Introducing BigFuture School 

BigFuture School™ is a new mobile app designed to spark students' interest in planning for the future. Available to students who take certain College Board assessments during the school day, it provides college and career guidance the moment they get their scores. 

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Connections™—a program exclusively for school day test takers that allows them to hear from nonprofit colleges and scholarship programs that may be a good match.

Explore Benefits

The Power to Plan—in the Palm of Students' Hands

The digital SAT Suite transition means students can get their scores faster. Now with the BigFuture School mobile app, they have a new way to access them. Once scores are available, the app provides students with:  

Customized career information and personalized guidance about planning and paying for college.

Connections Puts Privacy First

Connections™ is a free program exclusively for students who take the PSAT/NMSQT, 
PSAT 10 and SAT on a school day that lets students hear from nonprofit colleges, scholarships, and educational organizations. It delivers messages in the BigFuture School app and by mail from organizations that are interested in students based on information students, schools, districts, or states provide when taking an in-school assessment—including score range—to make connections that are relevant to students.

Note: Districts and schools may choose not to provide access to Connections. With Connections, no personal information is shared with institutions unless a student chooses to connect and share information directly with them. This gives students and their families more control over when, or whether, they raise their hands to be seen. The goal is to create more opportunities for students as they consider their options after high school. With input from students, families, and education professionals, BigFuture School and Connections will expand and improve to help every student plan their path for what's next.

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