For more information on AP, please visit the link below.

AP Student

Taking AP?

You've Got This!

Only XX days left till the registration deadline!

This school year may look different — but AP won't. Taking an AP course still offers you the same benefits and you can use free resources to help you throughout the year! 

AP teachers across the country are recording lessons for you! These short, mobile-friendly videos will be made on every topic in every unit so you'll get targeted support to help you build knowledge and skills. You can login to AP Classroom to watch videos for your course.

New AP Daily Videos

If you're attending virtual classes this school year and needs access to a device, College Board and the Advanced Placement Program can help direct you to available resources.

Need Access to a Device?

Learn MoreWatch Videos

Stand Out to Colleges

“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges you’ve tackled college-level work and that you're motivated to succeed.

Earn College Credit

More colleges than ever before offer credit for exam scores of 3 or higher. Learn more about credit opportunities.

Benefits of Taking AP

Boost Your GPA

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AP Classroom

Be sure to join your class section online by using the join code your AP teacher gives you. Check in with your teacher to see how you can use these resources alongside your coursework this year.

AP Action Plan for the School Year

Follow this action plan to see how you can stay on track with AP this school year.

Check out these 5 tips that will help you stay on track this school year, whether you're learning in-person or online.

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5 Tips for AP Students

Taking AP courses in high school could give you an advantage: 

Answer the Topic Questions after each class lesson to check your skills and get immediate feedback on where to focus your time and attention. 

Topic Questions

Complete the Personal Progress Check at the end of each unit to see if you're on track. You can then use your results to customize a study plan just for you. 

Open your Progress Dashboard to see how your skills are developing across units. Celebrate your successes and then focus on the skills that need your attention. 

Personal Progress Checks

Progress Dashboard

Most high schools offer a GPA boost to students that take AP - be sure to check with your school for more information.

Why AP Must Be Easier This Year

Read the latest College Board Blog post written by Trevor Packer, head of the Advanced Placement Program.

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