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The Power of AP Courses

© 2024 College Board

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Set more of your students up for success with new courses designed to invite a wide range of students into AP.

The Power
of AP Courses

Set more of your students up for success with new courses designed to invite a wide range of students into AP.

Benefits for All Students

Taking AP® courses and exams helps students build the skills and confidence to get ahead in high school, college, and career.

  • College Attendance and GraduationStudents who take AP are more likely to attend college and graduate on time than students who don’t take AP—regardless of their exam score.

  • Cost Savings: In 2023, U.S. students earned over 3 million qualifying AP Exam scores. That’s a potential savings of over $3.4 billion in tuition and fees for students and families.
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Relevant Topics, Relevant Skills

With offerings that explore topics and teach skills relevant beyond the classroom, there’s an AP course for every student. Help more students take the first step on their AP journey by considering:

  • *AP Computer Science Principles: Introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. 

  • *English 10: AP Seminar: An English course taught in the AP Seminar stylehelps students build foundational writing, collaboration, research, and presentation skills. 

  • AP Precalculus: Created for any student ready for high school precalculus, this course prepares students to succeed in math they’ll encounter in college. 

  • *AP African American Studies: Offers a rich and inspiring exploration of African American history and culture. 

  • AP Business Principles: This engaging introductory course, currently in development, is designed for any student interested in a business major or career.

* These courses include projects and performance tasks that contribute to a students’ exam score.

AP Students

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